I Met him in Lower East Manhattan at a Grassroot Tavern
This blog is to be about culture around town, but here and there I make an exception and shout to the world some personal stories without...
Lawrence Ferlinghetti on my Mind
He made me fall in love with poetry, he made me want to come to America, he inspired me to start translating poetry and novels, to write...
Violin is a Poem of Music, Balalaika its Prose: Fascinating Story of Balalaika
Everyone knows balalaika, but how much do we know about balalaika? Here it is — narrated just for you! Some additional text written just...
It is all about Carp! Czech Christmas in Charming San Diego
What to expect if you are invited for a Czech Christmas, your personal guide written just for you! Let the celebration begin! So much to...
I was there...Velvet Revolution in 1989
It is late afternoon of November 17, 1989. I go out with hundreds of others to the streets of Prague to protest against our government....
La Boheme — our Family Tale to Tell!
It was moving, it was touching, it was unique, it was splendid! And we dressed up even though it was a drive-in! If you peeked in our...
A Story of Porgy and Bess and how it all Began... Narrated and Written just for you!
Just a word or two about a history of American opera prior 1935, the premiere of Porgy and Bess... Believe or not, there are close to two...