And this is why we Love Los Angeles/ Part 1
There are times when our family yearns to feel the hot city sidewalks burning into our feet, and to satisfy that calling, we escape to...

A Renowned Czech Director Jan Hřebejk in San Diego! Most of his Films Explore how Fear Unlocks Brave
Czech history allows plenty of material that will probe your character: March 15, 1939 Hitler erased Czechoslovakia from the map and...

Radim Zenkl Charmed his Audience with Musical Humor and an Incredible Virtuosity
Nothing unusual to hear at a concert the beautiful George Gershwin's song Summertime from his 1935 opera "Porgy and Bess". After all, it...

The Musical Secrecy of the Guitar Unlocked Svoboda/Benedetti/Barek&Beautiful Kaya
Guitar! Perhaps the most familiar and the most famous household-name instrument of all. After all, who did not measure musicality on the...

We Celebrated with Children the Season of Love and Kindness /St. Nicholas in San Diego
If you walked to the cozy Christmassy Point Loma Assembly on Saturday afternoon, I think you would like to join! Great scent o mulled...

How Saint Nicholas Became American Santa Klaus
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by...

The Joy to be Together/Dancing Queens & The Poe Street Band
It was a rainy Friday, but the sunshine was bright in the Hall of Nation where the Dancing Queens and the Poe Street Band hit the floor...