A Czech Story that was both Tragic and Heroic Lead to the Creation of the International Day of Stude
For twenty year, each November, the Czech&Slovak community in San Diego celebrates the fruit of the Velvet Revolution: Freedom. This...

A Sold-Out Concert in a Point Loma Theatre Became a Hidden Jewel of a Classical Music Scene in San D
Pavel Šporcl, the superb charismatic and unassuming Czech violinist, delivered in San Diego an exuberant fall concert on his solo blue...

Fancy Sandy Artsy Pieces Turned the Mission Beach into an Art Beach Gallery!
Nine teams, nine shovels, nine buckets, nine creative imaginative ideas, nine beautiful sculptures along with endless pairs of little and...

Not only Stradivarius used the Wood of the Trees in which Nightingales Sang: Pavel Šporcl with his B
When Stradivari died in 1737, the art of the violin making was accomplished, brought to its perfection. Except for the tiny adjustments,...

Beethoven would Smile! Summer Concert at Point Loma was a Beautiful Affair
What a joy to see an audience of almost hundred people to willingly burst into a song about eternal brotherhood, The Ode to Joy. If only...

Our Summer Concert is Dubbed a Farewell to Anna Skálová!
Czech Republic is as big as one third of California. There are only 10 million Czechs living there. It means there are only 3% of Czechs...

Poe Street Band for Kids; Children's Giggle Makes for All of the Trouble in the World
The music is grand (!) and the costumes posh, the food is fine, wine select, beer of the best, cakes of the finest and audience and well...